Mikronika » News » Smart grid - engineers of MIKRONIKA in action
16 września 2021

Smart grid - engineers of MIKRONIKA in action

MIKRONIKA participates in a large-scale smart grid development project. In scope of implementation works, at the request of the leading power distribution companies, we operate in western Poland, in the area between Zielona Góra and Szczecin. Our activities will result in:

  • creation of an innovative and automated grid for more efficient supplying of power to the consumers and
  • extension and modernization of already existing substations.

MIKRONIKA’s software developers and design engineers will implement systems enabling the detection of fault location with the use of FDIR automation
(Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration). Additionally, they will extend the SCADA system with the new and modernized substations. This will ensure a reliable, secure and all-encompassing control of power supply process.

The SYNDIS SCADA system is successfully applied in many industry sectors as a tool for operators and dispatchers. Within the project of smart grid development in western Poland, MIKRONIKA is responsible also for the delivery and implementation of automation controllers will be equipped with the controllers with fault indicator and protection automation functions:

  • several hundred of MV and LV stations,
  • cable connectors,
  • disconnectors and reclosers on MV overhead power lines.

As an innovation company, for the purpose of this project we designed and developed a controller with  AVR (Advanced VoltageRegulation) algorithm, that ensures maintaining the required parameters of power supplied to the consumers. The AVR controller is installed at the selected facilities, where the transformers equipped with OLTC are operating. The controller, basis on data received from voltage sensors installed on LV grid, controls the OLTC so that the parameters of the grid supplying the consumers are kept within the acceptable thresholds. The communication between the AVR controller and the sensors, installed on the low voltage circuits, is carried out over GPRS/GSM-APN technology.

The ongoing project presents a promising foundation for the further co-operation between MIKRONIKA and the Ordering Parties. Scalability, economical aspects, modularity and capability for integration of the solutions provided by us place MIKRONIKA on top of the list of providers of modern solutions for the power industry. We will be pleased to inform you about our next implementations.

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MIKRONIKA sp. z o.o.

60 - 001 Poznań
Wykopy 2/4
NIP: 779 25 02 760

MIKRONIKA sp. z o.o.

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