Mikronika » Offer » Products » Software » SYNDIS » Usage and implementation examples » DALI-Box - Elements of the MV / LV network automation system

DALI-Box - Elements of the MV / LV network automation system

DALI-Box is an element of the MV / LV network automation system. Provides cybersecurity at the highest level. The device has implemented mechanisms that enable the installation, functioning and versioning of the software in a safe way.

DALI-Box elements are designed to build a supervision and automation system for electricity distribution in MV / LV networks. The system built on the basis of these devices can perform such tasks as: monitoring the load of LV transformers, controlling public lighting, reading any data from energy meters, changing billing tariffs, controlling public lighting, sending all data to the central database.

The system consists of the following elements:

  • RTU controllers of the DALI-Box type installed in the MV / LV network
  • external terminals for data visualization, diagnostics and commissioning aid
  • LastGasp emergency power modules, using high-capacity capacitors
  • software for central, remote management of controllers DALI-Box, including the simultaneous configuration of multiple controllers
  • software for centrally secure management of the internal firmware of DALI-Box controllers and the process of their simultaneous update

RTU DALI-Box controllers work in a safe environment. This environment complies with the safety recommendations according to the following publications:

  • "Algorithms, key size and parameters report - 2014", ENISA
  • NIST Recommendation
  • IEC / TS 62351 "Power systems management and associated information exchange", Part 1-9
  • BDEW "White Paper Req. for Secure Control and Telecommunication Systems”, v1.1 03/2015   []
Exemplary DALI-Box device

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