SO-52v11 RTU (controller / object and bay controller)

The SO-52v11 controller is designed to perform measurements and controls in power switchgear bays of all voltage levels. It can also be used in the automation of boiler rooms, pumping stations, sewage treatment plants and other industrial facilities. It enables the implementation of distributed telemechanics and field measurements as part of substation automation systems. The device can be part of an integrated system of station locks. It performs the built-in functions of synchronous switching on and functions of the field disturbance implementer.

The controller is made as a set of modules placed in a 19”/6U housing. The SO-52v11 controller modules are interconnected and powered by an internal communication bus.

The driver may consist of the following modules:

An exemplary structure of the SO-52v11 controller is presented in the figure on the right.

The SO-52v11 controller has the following features and functionalities:

  • implementation of distributed or mixed telemechanics
  • implementation of the function of an integrated station blocking system
  • disturbance recorder function
  • the ability to define station automation
  • implementation of the function of switching on synchronization (so-called synchrocheck)
  • support for various transmission protocols
  • the ability to connect multiple controllers or functional modules in a star, chain, bus or mixed structure, with or without redundant connections
  • the ability to set and implement local automation functions
  • the ability to define and implement control sequences
  • the ability to define the type of pulse inputs for counting pulses from electricity, gas, water and other utility meters
  • remote or local definition of input and output parameters from the master system or by means of a local service computer
  • implementation of local, manual controls, data reading, parameterization of supported devices using an integrated graphic terminal
  • modular design, allowing for easy configuration selection and further expansion
  • continuous time synchronization from the master level with a resolution better than 1ms, using procedures built into the communication protocol
  • implementation of event buffers stored in non-volatile memory
  • archiving of all events with the possibility of reading the event buffer through the technical channel   []
Exemplary SO-52v11 device in case Radmor

SO-52v12 RTU (controller / object and bay controller)

The family of modular devices SO-52v12 has been designed to implement various functions of automation and telemechanics systems in power transmission and distribution stations. These devices can also be used in industrial control systems for the automation of heating plants, pumping stations, sewage treatment plants and other industrial facilities. Devices made on the basis of modules from this family cooperate with SCADA systems in various transmission protocols.

The block diagram of the controller is shown below.

Each controller of the SO-52v12 family requires configuration using the specialized pConfig software.

Example structure of the SO-52v12 controller

The configuration of the device relates to functional characteristics. It includes function properties that result from the intended use and functionality of the device, such as the implementation of synchronization functions, auto-reclosing, interlocks, registration parameters, protection operation, etc.

The configuration software is also used to parameterize individual controller modules, e.g.

  • input mode
  • input filter times
  • times of control pulses
  • measuring ranges
  • gear values
  • scaling parameters
  • many others - depending on the type of module

This software enables or disables specific communication functions of the device, such as modem support, serial transmission parameters, network transmission properties and types and structures of communication protocols.

Extending the functionality and resources of the driver are possible even after starting the application. This is accomplished by adding additional modules to the controller rack if redundant locations are available.

More information on the modules available for the SO-52v12 controller can be found in the group Offer > Products > Components > SO-52v12 Family modules []

SO-52v21 RTU (controller / object and bay controller)

The SO-52v21 series devices are configurable modular devices, built on a uniform hardware base. They are intended for use in power substations and other industrial facilities, in order to perform telemechanics and automation functions. The functions of this class of devices include measurements, control and supervision over the condition of objects and devices. The resources of the
SO-52v21 system modules allow for the implementation of devices with different functional properties, such as:

  • RTU drivers
  • field controllers
  • measuring transducers
  • data loggers
  • communication hubs
  • protocol converters
  • programmable logic controllers (PLC)
  • security
  • dedicated devices
Exemplary SO-52v21 controller in the KS02 steel cassette

Each device of the SO-52v21 series consists of a set of modules containing the resources needed to implement a given device in accordance with the functional requirements of the application. These requirements may relate to:

  • number of communication channels
  • supported protocols
  • number and type of binary inputs and outputs
  • number and type of analog inputs and outputs

More information on the modules available for the SO-52v21 controller can be found in the group Offer > Products > Components > SO-52v21 family modules   []

SO-55 (communications controller / protection concentrator)

Modular communication and control device, part of the SO-5 station equipment system. Individual modules managed by a unit. The central PJC perform various types of conversions and connections between the interfaces of devices constituting the station's equipment and master systems or devices.

The SO-55 controller mainly has communication functions, but it is possible to expand it using the SO-52v11 modules, which gives additional functionalities, depending on the customer's requirements.

The SO-55 controller can be used as: a communication controller, a security concentrator, a communication controller with a block of object inputs/outputs, a protocol converter, it can also have the functions of an Ethernet switch, PSTN modem link, support communication in GPRS, trunking and in the 430÷450 band MHz.

Information about the functionality is important at the stage of building the application, because a cassette with a proper division of buses should be provided.
The SO-55 controller modules are supported by the MS bus, while the SO-52v11 use the LVDS bus. The use of an appropriate cassette enables cooperation of both buses and mutual exchange of modules of both standards.

The device, depending on the application, can perform additional functions. More information can be found in the group Offer > Products > Devices > Data transmission systems.

The SO-55 controller is built on the basis of replaceable hardware modules, which are divided into the following groups:

  • central unit modules
  • communication modules with MS bus
  • input/output modules with MS bus
  • I/O modules with LVDS bus
  • power supply modules

The central unit supports communication modules via the MS bus (and the interrupt system). LVDS bus I/O modules are supported by a dedicated high speed serial channel.

Exemplary SO-55 device

The analysis of the application at the design stage allows you to determine the number and types of required communication channels and to select the appropriate transmission modules. A typical application consists of several single and redundant channels, ensuring communication with local or remote control and supervision centers, as well as several to several dozen channels for substation devices and systems. The controller can simultaneously handle different standards and types of transmission. There are galvanically separated RS-232, RS-485 links, current loops, Ethernet links, single- and multi-mode fiber optic links at your disposal. The following transmission modules are currently available - more information in the group Offer > Products > Components > MS system modules

Some configurations of communication controllers require direct acquisition of information from binary inputs from station devices and issuing binary signals to retransmission and station devices. Binary inputs/outputs are also necessary to implement station interlocks, signaling and cooperation with some types of protections and disturbance recorders.

Binary input/output modules for the implementation of local tasks (introducing binary signals, implementation of blockades, alarms and signaling) are available in several variants:

Individual modules of the SO-55 controller are managed by the central unit (PJC-xxx). The central unit communicates with other modules via the MS bus. It is also possible to communicate with packets equipped with the LVDS bus thanks to a dedicated fast serial transmission channel. Additional information on central units is available in the group Offer > Products > Components > MS system modules > PJC-86x   []

Exemplary SO-55 device

SO-52v11-eMW (circuit-breaker module)

The SO-52v11-eMW breaker module is designed to control the breaker at 110kV, 220kV and 400kV substations. The control is carried out with the use of automatic re-closing (reclosing) or manually. When switching on, it is possible to use the synchronism module, which, depending on the current voltage, phase and frequency conditions, enables the circuit breaker to be closed at the most favorable moment. Standardized communication protocols have been implemented in the device, which enables full cooperation with master systems of various manufacturers.

The device performs the following functions:

  • automatic reclosing
  • three-phase synchronism check
  • control of voltage circuits (VTS - Voltage Transformer Supervision)
  • control of current circuits (CTS - Current Transformer Supervision)
  • programmable logic (LGC)
  • event registration
  • technical diagnostics
  • communication with the user

The breaker module has a modular structure. It is enclosed in a cassette housing with IP50 tightness class. Depending on the field type, which determines the number of required inputs/outputs, the number of binary input/output modules may be different. The example configuration consists of the following modules:

  • communication module MPA-408-21
  • measuring device MPL-608
  • binary inputs 220V DC MWS-208w.221
  • control outputs 220V DC/5A MSS-328
  • control outputs 220V DC/0.3A MSS-618
  • MZA-410 power supply
  • other modules from the SO-52v11 family (after consultation with the manufacturer)

The structure of the device in the full cast of packages is shown on the right.

An example of the structure of the SO-52v11-eMW controller

The MPA-408-21 measurement and communication module performs measurements, calculations and network or serial transmission with external communication controllers or superior systems.

The MWS-208w.221 binary input modules perform the acquisition of binary signals from the facility. They cooperate with the measurement and communication module via an internal bus.

The MSS-328 control output module performs the necessary controls in the breaker module system. It is adapted to implement high-current controls. The maximum control current is 5A/220V DC.

The MSS-618 control output modules are used to implement indirect control of primary devices. The outputs of the modules can also be used to implement signaling systems and bay, inter-bay and station interlocks.   []

Exemplary SO-52v11-eMW device (packet side view)
Exemplary SO-52v11-eMW device (view from the control panel)

SO-52v21-PC-xx (controller with arc-suppression coil)

The SO-52v21-PC-xx controller is designed to work in medium voltage networks. It supports the optimal selection of the network operating point by controlling the Petersen coil. The selection of the MV network operating point is carried out by appropriate compensation of the network capacitive current. Thanks to this, in the case of a single-phase fault to earth, a low resultant earth-fault current appears, which is conducive to fast extinguishing of the arc. In the event of a transient short-circuit, the fault will be automatically eliminated and the electricity supply will be uninterrupted. The controller collects data and processes it into information. It also supports transmission protocols and all logical operations performed in the controller's internal database. The controller is equipped with modules in. measuring devices as well as binary inputs and outputs, and a power supply. It may have an SD card for recording quantities and events related to the implemented functions, operation of the controller, transmission status and diagnostic functions.

Depending on the type of socket used to connect to the Ethernet network, the models SO-52v21-PC-TP and SO-52v21-PC-FO are available. In the first one, mCA-02-04 with 100Base-TX Ethernet port is used as a specialized measuring module, while in the second one, mCA-03-04 is used, where the Ethernet port is available in the 100Base-FX standard with an LC type socket.

The SO-52v21-PC-xx controller implements the following functionalities:

  • adjustment of the quenching choke according to the criterion of the set residual current or the degree of detuning of the compensation system
  • CIF algorithm (Control by Injection Frequencies) was used
  • multi-channel event recorder for analog and binary signals
  • registration records in Comtrade file format
  • compliance with the PN-EN 61850 standard
  • programmable logic functions   []
Przykładowy sterownik SO-52v21-PC-TP

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