Mikronika » Offer » Products » Devices » ARM / AMI » Meter management in a communication protocol

Meter management in a communication protocol

COLOR - not recommended for use    |   COLOR - module/device manufactured

PLC-201 (modem)

The PLC -201 description of the devices is in a group of devices "Devices > Data transmission > Wire modems"

LTH-101 (converter)

Not recommended for apply in new solutions

The LTH-101 description of the devices is in a group of devices "Devices > Data transmission > Converters and seprators"

PLC-MAP-x (modem)

Not recommended for apply in new solutions

The PLC-MAP-x description of the devices is in a group of devices "Devices > Data transmission > Wire modems"

RML-201-x (industry radiomodem)

Not recommended for apply in new solutions

The RML-201-x description of the devices is in a group of devices "Devices > Data transmission> Radio modems in open and dedicated channels"

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