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Telemetry in RES substations

MSG-6xx (GPRS/UMTS communication module)

Not recommended to apply in new solutions

[replaced by MSG-701_v2]

The MSG-6xx communication module is a specialized mode, designed for establishing connections in GSM 2G/3G networks to any devices, not supporting GSM 2G/3G standard on their own. It may operate also as data concentrator. Communication with a device may be realized thanks to the TCP/IP or UDP protocol. From the object side, the device is equipped with two RS-485 channels, two RS-232 channels and one 1-wire interface. The module is also equipped with an Ethernet connection.

The MSG-6xx communication module is designed to cooperate with digital protections, reclosers, controllers of biogas plants, wind farms and photovoltaics power plants. In order to ensure high level of resistance to damage caused by overvoltages and protect transmission against interferences, the power supply of the module is galvanically separated from logic and communication systems.

The module is manufactured in two power supply versions: 220/230V AC/DC and 24V DC. Its casing enables installation on a 35 mm DIN rail.

Exemplary MSG-611

MSG-701_v2 (modem / router)

The MSG-701_v2 device is a specialized modem/router, used to establish connections in GSM 2G/3G/4G networks to any devices which do not support GPRS/UMTS/LTE standard on their own. The device can also perform the functions of a modem, data concentrator and protocol converter. The connection with the device from the GSM network side is realized thanks to the TCP/IP or UDP protocol. From the object side, the device provides one RS-485 channel, one RS-232/485 channel and the 1-Wire interface. The module is also equipped with 2 connection in the Ethernet TP 10/100 standard. The 1-Wire interface enables to connect a digital temperature sensor and other devices supporting the 1-Wire standard. The MSG-701 module is equipped with one binary input and one control output.

The MSG-701_v2 router is designed for cooperation with digital protections, reclosers and controllers applied in biogas plants and wind or photovoltaic farms. In order to ensure high resistance to damage caused by overvoltages and protect the transmission against interferences, the power supply is galvanically separated from logic and communication components.

The module is supplied with nominal voltage 24V DC. Its casing enables installation on a DIN 35 mm rail.

Exemplary MSG-701 v2

MSG-705-xx (router)

The MSG-705-xx is a router with the functionality of a serial port server. It also acts as a modem, data concentrator and protocol converter. More information about the device can be found at: Devices > Data transmission > Serial device servers

MSG-750 (router)

The MSG-750 is an advanced GPRS/UMTS/LTE communication device that can simultaneously act as a modem, data concentrator and protocol converter in responsible applications in the power industry and other industries. The device can be used in any SMART-GRID networks for communication with devices that do not autonomously support GPRS/UMTS/LTE standards.

Communication with the MSG-750 family of routers from the GSM network side is realized in TCP/IP, UDP and other network protocols, which can be tunneled in GRE and IPSEC protocols. From the field side, the MSG-750 provides five Ethernet network interfaces. As standard, the router works with digital protections, reclosers, biogas plant, wind farm or photovoltaic controllers.

The router's power supply is galvanically separated from the communication interfaces and logic circuits. Multilateral galvanic isolation guarantees high operational reliability, resistance to damage caused by overvoltages and transmission immunity to interference.

Exemplary MSG-750

The MSG-750 router has a durable casing, resistant to weather conditions. It is made of metal covered with a powder varnish. The device is designed to work in harsh environmental conditions. At the back, it is equipped with a handle that allows mounting on a 35mm DIN rail.

The integrated communication modem is equipped with two SIM card slots, thanks to which it is possible to alternate operation of the router in networks of two different operators.

The MSG-7xx family of routers performs the authentication functions of the executed control commands, in accordance with the IEC 62351-1: 2007 standard with the extension of IEC 62351-3: 2015. The encryption keys can be sent from the central server.   []

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