The InfoMIK system is used for presenting information in text form, graphics as well as video sequences carried out in either plasma technology or LCD. The user is capable of independently defining and displaying the presentations on given pannels. Client-server architecture has been applied in the system.
This system is meant for industrial plants, power plants and thermal-electric power stations as well as public utility undertakings and it allows mediation between systems of mass information at airports and train stations.
The system consists of information pannels and the managing computer. The Ethernet network provides communication between the pannels and the main computer.
The information pannels can be built around the core of LCD or CRT monitors, e.g. the LCD 40’’ matrix made by the NEC company. Each of the pannels is equipped with an independent controlling computer, integrated with the pannel. The controlling computers each have their own database, a WWW server and work independently of each other.
The main computer is used for preparing, editing, configuring and exporting profiles to each of the controlling computers.
The profiles allow us to define the information displayed on the information pannels, such as: PowerPoint presentations, text information, graphics and www sites. The presentations can also include measurement data coming from outer measurement systems: SYNDIS-ENERGY, ASCOM or others, e.g. thermal peak power.