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Substation automation system SAS

The SO-5 supervision and control system is designed for substations of all voltage levels. The hardware section of the system comprises of distributed bay control units and communication units. These devices are integrated with the local HMI workstation through a redundant fiber optic network. The system is ready to work with the IEC-850 protocol.

SO-5 system features include:

  • communication with remote dispatch systems
  • binary and analogue data acquisition and processing, directly from the switchyard secondary circuits and from various measuring equipment
  • system integration of the electric protection devices
  • complex control functions at the substation that can be performed from local and remote dispatch centers
  • system connection between devices which is necessary to provide station automation functions

SO-5 system includes the following devices and modules in its basic configuration:

  • local HMI workstation with SYNDIS RV software
  • SO-55 communication control units
  • SO-52v11 bay control units
  • SO-5403 measurement converters
  • redundant fiber optic communication network
  • a dedicated module to operate SMS text-messages alerts
  • a WWWserver module

The SO-5 system is fully open, which means it can easily interact with station protection relays, disturbance recorders, connection equipment supplied by various manufacturers. Another feature of the system is the possibility of sending SMS text-messages and operation through a WWWpage.

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