The FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration) module is a set of functionalities of the SCADA DMS SYNDIS RV system, implementing algorithms for detecting, short-circuit isolation and automatic reconfiguration in the MV and LV smart grid. The system ensures the location of faults in the MV-LV network, elimination of damaged sections of the network by switching them off using remotely controlled switching devices, and network reconfiguration in order to restore power to the largest possible number of consumers without voltage as a result of the failure.

Objects are controlled by the SCADA SYNDIS RV system server, in accordance with the sequence calculated by the FDIR module algorithm. The SYNDIS RV system has a set of tools ensuring the safety of switching operations performed by the FDIR module. The algorithm is equipped with a number of automatic and manual protections, thanks to which it will not allow incorrect controls to be performed.

Mikronika devices, installed in the depth of the MV network, cooperating with the FDIR module:

  • SO-54SR-111-REK-1.4 – THO-RC27 recloser support
  • SO-54SR-3xx/4xx/5xx – support for overhead and indoor switch disconnectors of various types, MV/LV stations and independent fault indicators
  • SO-54SR-301 – support for APZ-20, an independent signaling device and analyzer of short-circuit current flow
  • SO-54SR-3xx-WL – operation of control units for outdoor and indoor circuit breakers of various types operating in the MV network
  • SO-54SR-321-AVR – support for AVR automation (MV/LV transformer tap changer)

All devices have a built-in disturbance recorder and meet the PN-EN 62351 standard in the field of safety of communication protocols.   []


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