The MOS (Mobile OrderS) application is used for cooperation of the SCADA class system with mobile devices equipped with the Windows7/Windows8 operating system. For cooperation to be possible, two-way communication between the dispatching system and mobile devices should be ensured.
MOS application functionalities:
- transferring an order from the SCADA system to a mobile device
- the possibility of accepting (accepting) an order or rejecting it by field brigades - Fig. 1
- the ability to mark the completion of works (on the way, on site, confirmation of the completion of activities by marking as successful or unsuccessful) - Fig. 2
- receiving by the Dispatcher current information about the status of the order and the current GPS location of the device / brigade (available, unavailable, on the way to the order, at the place of the order)
- sending information on the completion of works to the dispatcher's log and mapping them in the dispatcher's system
- presentation of orders and data on performed works on a mobile device
The current position of the ambulance vehicle can be displayed on the SCADA system diagram, which makes it possible to track the order's progress on an ongoing basis - Fig. 3.