The MOS (Mobile OrderS) application is used for cooperation of the SCADA class system with mobile devices equipped with the Windows7/Windows8 operating system. For cooperation to be possible, two-way communication between the dispatching system and mobile devices should be ensured.

MOS application functionalities:

  • transferring an order from the SCADA system to a mobile device
  • the possibility of accepting (accepting) an order or rejecting it by field brigades - Fig. 1
  • the ability to mark the completion of works (on the way, on site, confirmation of the completion of activities by marking as successful or unsuccessful) - Fig. 2
  • receiving by the Dispatcher current information about the status of the order and the current GPS location of the device / brigade (available, unavailable, on the way to the order, at the place of the order)
  • sending information on the completion of works to the dispatcher's log and mapping them in the dispatcher's system
  • presentation of orders and data on performed works on a mobile device
Fig. 1. An example screenshot from a mobile device after the automatic transfer of orders to the brigade. They go to the "New" tab and wait for approval or rejection
Fig. 2. An example screenshot after accepting the order for execution
(the order is in the "Accepted" tab). Change its status to "in place".

The current position of the ambulance vehicle can be displayed on the SCADA system diagram, which makes it possible to track the order's progress on an ongoing basis - Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Displaying the current position of the ambulance brigade on the SCADA system diagram

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