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SYNDIS PQ power quality assessment system in a distribution company area

The quality of energy management (JEE) is defined, in accordance with the relevant standards and regulations, by a set of parameters defining the efficiency of energy supplied to consumers. JEE is affected by many factors disrupting the operation, frequency and operating currents of the network. Measurements of parameter parameters are supported by the SO-52v11-eME power quality analyzer, while data collection and analysis is carried out using the SYNDIS PQ system software, collecting data from the analyzers in the on-line or off-line phase. The operation of the entire JEE rating system is shown in the block diagram presented on the right.

Power quality analyzers SO-52v11-eME continuously monitor all parameters. The data is made available by event (power dips, surge currents, power surges, interruptions, etc.) or in the form of COMTRADE or PQDIF files. The system can be equipped with a site map and an event log. The user has the ability to access creation, graphs and other data about JEE for assistance in the development of website technology.

Block diagram of energy quality assessment in the SYNDIS PQ system

Our systems are used by energy companies and large industrial plants. It is particularly useful to use our solutions in the dynamically developing renewable energy sector, e.g. in wind farms, due to the multi-directional data transmission from our analyzers.

Our largest implementation in terms of quantity and area is launched in one of the distribution companies. The JEE rating system at this distribution company has the following advantages:

  • On-line measurements cover the majority of important GPZs
  • the system is equipped with a system map and an event log mechanism
  • it is possible to analyze and distribute disturbances throughout the entire area of the company
  • the possibility of comparison with the data supervised by the SCADA system
  • all transmissions are carried out via Ethernet links
  • the system is redundant - two servers are working: primary and backup
  • data can be collected and aggregated over different time periods

We know that each implementation requires an individual approach. Similar functionality has been achieved in another distribution company, where the implementation is being gradually developed. Further analyzers are added to the already working structure.

Here are the advantages of this power quality monitoring system:

  • scalable system structure; "on-line" measurements cover an increasing area, and launching subsequent analyzers "seals" the system
  • device flexibility; analyzers are installed in various facilities: in the main power supply, on poles in the field, in switching stations of CHP plants, in biogas plants
  • variety of transmission links; transmission to the master system takes place using Ethernet, GPRS links, but RS-485 serial links or batch operation can also be used
  • different data aggregation periods and configurable recording trigger thresholds
  • the ability to adapt to measurements on any range of voltages and currents   []

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