Mikronika » News » NEW SYNDIS 5.405K RELEASED
6 listopada 2024


New SYNDIS 5.405K released

On 15 July 2024, a new version of Mikronika's signature product SYNDIS was released.

This event is important as it concludes more than three years of development work on this product.

The main purpose of this version was to launch the SCADA ADMS in the Energa SCADA Central (so-called Big Energa) project to support 8 branch dispatch (RDM) and CDM dispatch. It was a big challenge and a lot of work. No previous SYNDIS (at least the current production version 269) would have been able to cope with such area, and therefore with so much data: variables handled by the system (measurements, states, signals) and data describing the energy system (in the CIM standard).

We therefore placed a lot of emphasis on non-functional requirements that are not visible from the dispatcher's point of view. We had to make a lot of optimisations, changes to the system architecture, for example, in order to meet the requirement for SYNDIS to operate in a high availability (HA) cluster configuration in Hot Standby mode, we had to implement such a ‘small’ change as working with the PostgreSQL relational database, learn how to use this database (and not break support for the Oracle database). In addition, we implemented changes related to security (encryption of services with X.509, multi-factor authentication (MFA), unidirectional connection establishment) or the requirement of a three-tier architecture for applications where only services running on the server have access to the database.

We rebuilt many of the existing system components, and some new ones were created. A new high-performance electronic log panel (MOP) was created after gathering experience from the old one. A task-based distributed editing environment (ZSE) or tools to support editing work - generation of single line diagrams (algorithms for network orthogonalization and a scripting language for station interior generation) - were created. We continue to expand the SYNDIS thin client accessible from a web browser, namely SYNDIS LITE.

In the process, we have updated the SYNDIS technology stack. Which is also invisible to the user, but which keeps the software that MIKRONIKA provides is up-to-date and keeps up with progressive changes.

What is visible, on the other hand, is that we have done a major redesign of the user interface to make the look more consistent and to make it ready for high-resolution 4K monitors. And finally, we have the scaled top toolbar and the de-tockable windows in the dispatch panel, which customers have been asking for.

The new SYNDIS also includes improvements to analysis and calculation modules such as VVC or RES generation constraints, as well as the implementation of new tools such as a contingency constraint plan, automated CIM editing, switching sequence analysis, or generation forecasting using machine learning algorithms (random forests).

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