SYNDIS Energy is complete EMS software dedicated to data acquisition, analysis and accounting of power media: electricity, heating energy, natural gas, water and others. The system offers efficient tools to support energy management and business activity in the energy market. Innovative architecture allows its easy adaptation to specific demands of:
- Electricity distribution, transmission and trade companies
- Power plants and thermal-electric power stations
- Power media supplying utilities (heat, natural gas, water, steam etc.)
- Industry
SYNDIS Energy can work independently or it can be a consistent element of the SYNDIS RV system for Supervision, Control and Support. In these cases it creates integrated NMS/EMS software for power media production, monitoring, control, accounting and reporting.
Basic features:
- remote data collecting via dedicated connections, dial-up telephone lines, wireless
- available interfaces: RS-232, RS-485, current loop, fiber optics, radio, GSM/GPRS, LAN, telephone lines
- automatic archiving of acquired data to system database
- continuous monitoring of power generation and consumption by means of user-configurable windows
- power quality analysis module
- extended reporting module:
- energy balances for time periods
- possibility of creating reports based on arithmetic formulas from measurement tables
- energy consumption hourly statements for each day of the month and energy consumption profiles in determined time periods
- calculated results presentation as graphic diagrams and tables
- tools for Energy Market participation support:
- forecasting module based on arithmetic methods, power generation schedules or neutral networks
- contracts supervision modules
- contract portfolio management and analysis module
- modules for information exchange with WIRE and SCADA systems
- power media management support, energy consumption evaluation, energy costs accounting for company or its departments
- invoicing and accounting
- user authorizing to access selected system functions and selected range of available measurements
- access to Syndis Energy by means of WWWserver
- measurement data exchanging with systems of other producers, e.g.: SAP, eSPiM, SPIN
- remote administration and service supervision of the system